
PE for Breakfast: AI

Vi avmystifiserer AI og forteller deg hvordan kan man dra ut relevant innsikt av store mengder data?

Dette frokostseminaret vil være på engelsk.

We have invited Ellie Dobson, VP of R&D at scaleup Arundo Analytics, to give a practical overview of the wide topic of AI.

  • How do you use AI to generate insights from data, and sensor data in particular?
  • How can companies best ensure their AI initiatives succeed?

Prior to joining Arundo, Ellie Dobson worked as a data science consultant for US software companies Pivotal and Mathworks, and prior to that was also part of the team at CERN that discovered the Higgs boson. She is a trained partical physicist and is passionate about all things related to advanced analytics.

Her talk on AI is funny, intelligent and gives you everything you need to know about AI in 30 minutes.